Oregon allocates $47.5 million to boost firefighting
A conservation group will pilot a program that uses GPS, collars and cows. The concept could make Eastern Oregon rangelands ...
While approving a $47.5 million request to send emergency money to the Department of Forestry, some legislators called the ...
The Legislative Emergency Board approved the funding last week. Spending on wildfires this year has reached $250 million, which is more than double amount budgeted for the response.
Early last summer, dull orange horizons replaced blue skies and hid city skylines in New York and Washington, D.C. Even the ...
The pet's cremation got out of control when a spray can the suspect threw into the blaze blew and lit a tree on fire, ...
Central Oregon has seen about 325 wildfires this year that have burned over 550,000 acres, the region’s fire officials said ...
Oregon lawmakers are holding off on spending $5 million on operations at the Port of Portland’s container terminal, citing ...
About half was previously earmarked for a potentially expensive wildfire season, while $20 million was appropriated as ...