The principal and a staff member at Aberdeen Middle School are facing charges after failing to report an alleged rape.
Aberdeen Police say the failure of Aberdeen Middle School personnel to report an alleged rape incident jeopardized evidence ...
Former Principal and Paraeducator Charged with Failure to Report Rape of a StudentAn inestigation by Aberdeen Criminal ...
Two former educators are facing criminal charges after failing to disclose a reported rape involving a student in Harford ...
Two former Aberdeen Middle School faculty members are facing charges for allegedly failing to report the rape of a student last year.
A former principal and paraeducator at Aberdeen Middle School faces criminal charges for allegedly failing to report a ...
Educators at Aberdeen Middle School are facing criminal charges on allegations they failed to report an alleged rape, ...
Two Aberdeen Middle School officials are charged with failing to report a student's rape, despite Maryland law mandating ...
Two Harford County school employees were arrested and charged with failing to report a rape after a student told school staff ...