Senior US officials were practically triumphant Wednesday night: The United States and a large number of its allies ...
We urge you to invoke the Leahy Law, Arms Export Control Act, and Foreign Assistance Act, and lead efforts in Congress to halt all weapons transfers to Israel.
The U.S., European allies, and Arab powers proposed a 3-week ceasefire in a bid to clear the way for negotiations and avert ...
U.N. chief calls for an immediate ceasefirein Gaza and Lebanon amid escalating tensions:::: Antonio Guterres, U.N.
The new plan packages up a series of regional objectives that have remained out of reach for diplomats for nearly two decades ...
The families of seven American hostages criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for not utilizing his speech before the ...
Benjamin Netanyahu is addressing world leaders at the UN in New York as international pressure for a ceasefire between Israel ...
The US said an international call for a ceasefire was co-ordinated with Israel, despite its apparent rejection by Israeli ...