Initial studies rocketing for future Moon-based railroad with findings from Northrop Grumman Co. and support from 10-year ...
Mysterious craters that first appeared in the Siberian permafrost a decade ago were caused by climate change-driven pressure ...
Scientists on the AKMA3 ocean expedition discovered an exceptional underwater feature consisting of a mud volcano in the ...
If you got hired because you know somebody, if that somebody gets laid off, you better leave, too. Or at least make a cool ...
Mars rocks have battered the wheels on NASA's Curiosity rover, but the robotic explorer is still driving and thriving despite ...
Recent studies suggest that Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, may harbor the building ...
NASA's Perseverance rover that's exploring the surface of Mars snapped an image of a striped rock that has perked the ...
Temperatures Saturday are expected to hit 85 degrees Fahrenheit in the Bend area. Sunday will be much cooler, with a high of ...
A harmless eruption, such as last week’s in Hawaii, is a chance to appreciate Earth’s pyrotechnics.
Moving the regulations aims to enhance coordination and efficiency of flood protection. Public Works is able to […] ...
The Perseverance rover came across an odd stone on Mars, the likes of which NASA said has never been seen, that people are ...
We noticed you are running an ad blocker. We hate ads too! Unfortunately ads are neccessary for us to survive, we are small ...