The rate of antipsychotic drug use in nursing homes has remained stubbornly high. Experts are concerned about misuse.
A race-neutral algorithm for lung function was recommended last year. Adopting it comes with thorny consequences.
Health authorities have said that stockpiled Tamiflu should work well against H5N1. Some experts question that bet.
The governor’s plan to use treated water from oil and gas drilling is in limbo while public safety questions swirl.
The painful condition has long gone unrecognized in medicine. But a pioneering Botox treatment appears to be a cure.
A trade group has proposed a new definition, pressuring regulators to make plastic appear more environmentally friendly.
In Debra Hendrickson's “The Air They Breathe,” a pediatrician reveals the many ways global warming harms young people.
At the height of the Cold War in the 1950s, as the fear of nuclear Armageddon hung over American and Soviet citizens, ­idealistic scientists and engineers saw the vast Arctic region as a place of ...
For five years, Clare Dolman took lithium to manage her bipolar disorder. The medicine kept her happy and well with few side effects, and she described it as a wonder drug. But when she began to plan ...